Zara jacket similar here £29.99, Topshop sleeveless cardigan similar here £69, ASOS ripped ankle grazer jeans £32, Zara shoes similar here £75, Ray Ban Erika velvet sunglasses £115.

Yesterday Y and I had a girls day out to one of my favourite spots for a long walk - the Southbank. I love going for walks here as there is never a shortage of passers by willing to compliment me on how cute I look. 

On this occasion Y's outfit gave me some competition in the compliments stakes, as quite a few people seemed to think her look was cute too. I'll be the first to say I love ripped jeans with a statement heel and layering is essential when you live in England but... we all know I stole the show!

On the way home I thought Y was picking up her daily copy of the METRO but something smelt fishy...


  1. Awww Y is so adorable. Love the jacket!

    Made in Mauve

  2. Suki! Did you rip up Y's jeans?!! You could always chew her shoes to remind her who is boss,

  3. This is such a cute outfit - I really love the shoes! And your dog is so adorable!! :)

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  4. Amazing look!! The jacket is stunning :)

    ♥ Joana

  5. The cutest pug ever. Would love it if you could check out my autumn look book! And maybe follow each other too?

    Kisses xo | From Aliona With Love

  6. Your blog is adorable - such a unique perspective! And love the shoes!

  7. Your blog is fab and so is Suki! x

  8. Love the outfit, I want that jacket!

    1. Aww thanks who knew a cardigan over a jacket would look good? xx

  9. Such a cute dog!!

    xo T.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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